Understanding the widget secret key

Understanding the widget secret key

Scritto da Grace Williamson
Ultimo aggiornamento: martedì, mar 07, 2017

When setting up a Slaask integration, some services, such as Zapier, might ask for your “widget secret key.” This is used to identify your company widget from among the others.

It should not be confused with your “Widget Key,” which is also used to identify your widget, though is located inside your widget code snippet and is therefore not private.

For example, when you are on the 5th step of integrating Zapier with Slaask, as described here “How to integrate Zapier with Slaask?”, you should see a separate window popping up to ask for your widget secret key.

Please note that this widget secret key is really secret, should only be used for integrations, and should not be shared with anyone.

How to get my widget secret key?

  1. Sign in at slaask.com.
  2. Select “Integrations” on the left panel.
  3. Click “Show your widget secret keys.”

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