Taking screenshots

Taking screenshots

Written by Grace Williamson
Last update: Thursday, Jan 27, 2022

What is a screenshot on Slaask?

Slaask has a feature, usually only available on live chat providers that cost over $2500+ per month: the possibility to take screenshots! smiley

This makes it possible for anyone to take a screenshot of their web page and share it with their team through the Slaask chatbox, in a single click!

Every time you or your visitor initiates a screenshot action, the screenshot in question will be accessible on the contact's end as well as on the Slack end directly via the conversation.

Why would you need a screenshot?

Screenshots are a great way to make the conversation continue smoothly between different people chatting about an online situation. Screenshots can help your company find out more about your contact's behavior as well as the issue they are facing.

How do I take a screenshot?

With Slaask, there are 2 ways to take a screenshot: either from the company's side or from the contact's side.

How do I take a screenshot of the page my customer is on from the company's side?

You can call on the Slaask menu inside the Slack channel by typing /slaask. This will open up a menu, from which you can choose Screenshot.

The following message will then be sent to your contact:

"In order to help you with your current conversation, I would like to take a screenshot of the webpage you are currently on. Rest assured: I will only be able to the inner aspect of your web browser and nothing else. Do you authorize me to take a screenshot of the webpage you are on?"

In order to truly respect your contact's wishes, they can give or deny you permission by clicking on Yes or No to accept or refuse the screenshot request.

How can my contact give me a screenshot from their side?

At any time during the conversation, your contact can click on the paper clip located in the right-hand corner of the input bar. From here, they can select the screenshot button.

The file-sharing feature must be disabled if you don't want your visitor to be in a position to send you a screenshot. (The feature is enabled by default). You can disable it from your Slaask account, in the Customize section.

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Written by Grace Williamson.