Creating a (multilingual) chat bot and testing it

Creating a (multilingual) chat bot and testing it

Written by Grace Williamson
Last update: % ਏ,% ਬੀ% ਡੀ,% ਵਾਈ

Customize your chat bot look and feel

In Customize > Your Bot, you can customize your bot name, as well as your bot face.

Add posts to your Knowledge base

In Auto-help > Knowledge Base, add and publish at least one page in your Knowledge Base.

Make your chat bot multilingual

In case you want to enable the multilingual abilities of your bot, go to Settings > Languages, enable the languages you want and click Save. Otherwise, your bot's language will be English by default.

Test your chat bot

Go to Customize > Test my Chatbox, then, click Test Delayed Mode. From here, you'll be able to interact with your chat bot. Try to ask it simple questions such as "Can you help me?".

Automated communication

Everything about automated communication: How to create your chatbot, use conversation flows, and let the bot do all the work!

10 article in this category.
Written by Grace Williamson.